The Secret to Perseverance

Have you ever felt like giving up? Whenever I do, I look for people who have overcome something big in their life. People like Ezra Frech, Bethany Hamilton and Nick Vujicic all inspire me. I spoke to a group recently and I told them  that while others  can overcome great obstacles, the real question is what will you do to persevere? According to Hitch, perseverance is “Continuing in a course of action… without regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure”. It’s a cute saying, but how do we find the strength to persevere?

Whenever I listen to someone’s story of perseverance, they all have something in common. Every one of them had a deep belief in something that made them feel that they were special. Something that made them feel powerful and courageous. There was a study done with POWs who survived the camps of WWII and Vietnam. A common theme among them was that their love for family helped them survive. In the twelve step program, you must turn to your higher power as part of your road to recovery. Most religions are built around the promise of a better life, if you can just connect to your higher power.

If you are facing what appears to be an insurmountable obstacle, you must first believe that you are special and that you matter.

I am a Christian, and for me it is believing that God will never leave me, nor forsake me. God, is my higher power. I am special because God made me. The trap that many Christians fall into, is that they feel that God is judging them, not rooting for them. When they look into the mirror, they see a list of past failures instead of one of God’s miracles. Christians aren’t alone in letting their past failures keep them from moving on.

The secret to perseverance is not, never give up. The secret is in finding a higher power and forgiving yourself for your past mistakes. Once you do that, THEN you will have the power and courage that will help you  to persevere and… Never…. Ever…. Give Up.

All the best!
All the time!

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