It’s not how you start – but how you finish

We all have a favorite account of someone who did something great with their life after overcoming an obstacle that got in their way. We look at these people sometimes wistfully, wishing we had the same good fortune to overcome our own obstacles. Well – if it was due to good fortune, we probably wouldn’t hold these people in such high esteem. It was their perseverance – their commitment to overcome all odds that holds our attention and fuels our imagination. What if…. what if that could happen to me? Then… I could…

What? What would you overcome? What would you achieve? A better relationship? A better job? Happiness? Financial Security? These things can happen to you – if you persevere. If you believe that you have the power to overcome obstacles. Why don’t more people persevere? Because they look at how they started their race – at how many times they’ve failed.

Failure happens to all of us. Some let failure become their destination, others – just stops along the way. Which one are you? It doesn’t matter how you started, or where you are today. What matters is where you are going tomorrow, and how you finish. Get up. Continue your quest… whatever it may be. And finish strong.