As a first post, my message to you is that your life matters! Greatness is not measured in the things you achieve – by the things you can purchase – or the positions you hold. Greatness is measured by the positive impact you have on those around you, using the gifts that you possess to the utmost of your ability. I am not a believer in the adage that we are all created equal. We aren’t. We should all be treated equally, but we all have different strengths and weaknesses. To tell me that I can become anything I want – is ridiculous. Can I join the ranks of Michael Jordan, Lance Armstrong, Michelle Kwan or Tiger Woods as a professional athlete at the top of a sport of my choosing? I don’t think so. Yet obviously, some people can! The question really is – what can I do with my gifts to positively impact those around me?
On a trip to Edmonton last week, I met Wojtek. He was my chauffeur who drove me to and from the airport. Wojtek is an immigrant from Poland who owns a limousine service. I asked him to name a few famous people that he had picked up. He laughed. Then he said, “We are all famous in our own way. I look at you and know that you are just as special as any diplomat or sports hero”. So, according to Wojtek (and I agree), you’re famous. So how are you going to use those gifts of yours, regardless of what they are?
I have a friend whose 16 year old daughter died of cancer last year. When he told me how she died – I was reminded of the power of the human spirit. As her breathing became difficult and her last few moments passed by, her heart continued to beat strongly and stubbornly. She was fighting for her life, until the very end. The dignity over death – was profound. The impact that a 16 year girl had on me, was life changing. She had power and purpose. She achieved greatness without a title, without job, with no great possessions. What can you achieve with what you have?
All the Best!