Greetings Leaders….
I was purging some old files and came across my goals that I wrote in 1983! As I looked at them I realized how blessed that I have been in that I have accomplished almost all of them. I have a few still left such as skydiving, hang gliding and getting my pilot’s license, although 2,000 hours as a Naval Flight Officer might qualify as a substitute. I also suppose a “nice” car is debatable, as I still haven’t bought my McLaren. While these are my goals, I’m writing this for you. In these crazy times, you may find yourself wandering, unsure of what to do next. If that’s you, do not lose hope as there are powerful tools at your disposal. If you are around 30 years of age, you may feel discouraged as we’re going through what we might consider the second major event in your lifetime. The first was the Recession that started in 2008, and of course we’re in the midst of a Pandemic which is the second. While it is easy to throw up your hands in hopeless frustration, there are those who will look for opportunity in the midst of chaos. These people will eventually thrive. Which one are you? You have a choice to make… and have no doubt… it is a choice.
If you are older, and are tempted to look back at your life… don’t. You need to be looking ahead. It doesn’t matter if you have had a great life, or feel like you have failed. The only path forward is ahead. If successful, don’t rest on your laurels! Keep moving forward. If you you feel a failure, start today in reshaping your life. Write down your goals. Something mysterious happens when you commit your goals to paper. It becomes even more powerful, when you read them out loud with conviction. However, there is a second part to this exercise. You must then actively think about how you are going to achieve them. If you suffered setbacks, why did you suffer setbacks? Do you need wise counsel? Do you need to change your environment? Or, perhaps you just need to focus on your goals.
How to write down your goals
- Break them up into short and long term goals
- Lifetime
- 20 Years
- 10 Years
- 5 Years
- 1 Year
- Start off with your lifetime goals and Dream Big!
- Be realistic, but aggressive in your goals
- Put some thought into how you can get to the end, by breaking them up into smaller pieces
- Start focusing on your 1 Year goals. Put together an action plan on how to get there.
All the best!
All the time!