How To Develop Your Dream Team

Greetings Leaders!

A student in class the other night asked how to go about developing your team. Now, this may come as a shock to some of you, but the best way to develop your dream team, is to let go the non-performers. Ouch.

People will develop at their own pace. Odds are that not everyone on your team is ready to become a high performer. You have three choices:

  1. Make a project of the non-performers
  2. Establish reasonable expectations and let those go who don’t meet them
  3. Do nothing

Your Dream Team will evolve as you get high performers on your team. The wake up call…

Not everyone on your team is a high performer!

Leadership takes guts. Do the right thing by establishing high standards and holding people to them. Don’t be a task master though. Be reasonable. So, set the standard, monitor people’s progress towards it and let those go who don’t want to get on board.

If you’re trying to develop your team, you owe it to yourself to go read Jim Collin’s book Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t

Have a great day!

All the best!
All the time!

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