How To Win Friends and Influence People

Greetings Leaders!

Ok – I’m plagiarising. But how can you change a classic? After 15 years, I’m rereading Dale Carnegie’s classic piece of work, How To Win Friends and Influence People. What can I learn from something first published in 1937? Well… a lot. If you haven’t read this, or if you read it a long time ago, I highly recommend you crack open the covers of the book, or turn on your e-reader, and dive in. It will change your life.

What have I found to be different as I read this book for the second time? For starters, I’m reading it on my Kindle. But, while technology may have changed, people are pretty much the same as they were 74 years ago. This time, I have an extra 15 years of experience in dealing with people that gives me a new perspective on Dale’s thoughts.

While reading the book, I realized that I have become very “Me” centric. I’d forgotten that people are are more interested in themselves than in me. I forgot that one of the biggest things I can do to become successful, in whatever I do, is to put other people first. To take a sincere interest in their lives. This my friend, is the secret to success.

I recently ran into someone who takes pleasure in manipulating others so that he can get what he wants. While it may bring short term success, it will only bring on long term failure. Do yourself a favor and read this book and let me know how it changed your life.

All the best!
All the time!

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