So you think you can…?

While watching So You Think You Can Dance with my family, I couldn’t help but admire these young men and women. The final four are all amazing: Joshua Allen; Twitch Boss; Courtney Galiano; and Katee Shean. Every week, these talented dancers learn new routines and stretch their abilities to the maximum. They eat, sleep and basically live…. dance.

Can you imagine what a great leader you would be if you had the same level of commitment to your profession? When was the last time you studied… really studied, how to be a better leader. Are you serious enough about your business, or your profession to go get a trainer/coach to help you. These dancers have the “best of the best” choreographing for them and helping them get better. Who is in your corner?

In addition to admiring their hard work, I also give them a lot of credit for doing it with joy. Despite long hours of hard work that is both physically and emotionally exhausting, these young people come out with smiles on their faces and bring joy to those of us watching. How positive have you been lately?

Take your leadership development seriously. Dedicate some time and effort into becoming better at it. You won’t regret it.

All the best,
All the time